Billions Stock Screener & Signals

Subscribe and discover daily signals from our ‘Billions’ Screener!

This powerful screener combines signals from different trading systems, including reversion systems, hybrid and momentum strategies, and offers a targeted pre-selection of promising trading opportunities in the US equity markets.

What is the Billions Screener?

The Billions Screener is a tool for identifying profitable entry opportunities and the best exits on a statistical basis.

Entry, exit & stock selection

Entry signals are only displayed if there is a statistically increased probability that the share will increase in value in the coming days. You use these signals to trade so-called “statistical effects”. Once these effects are exhausted, the screeners calculate the respective exit signals.

Flexibility for your trading:

We only provide guideline values for the position sizes. Subscribers can adjust these individually to their trading system and risk level to ensure maximum flexibility and control.

How it works:

Subscribe to Screener, receive daily updates & profit regularly. Successful trading has never been easier! Experience the power of statistically based strategies and optimize your trading with the Billions Screener!

Our Stock Screener Selection


Daily Trading Ideas from EUR 1,65 daily

Subscription can be canceled monthly. Automatic renewal without notice period. Minimum term 3 months in each case. One-off set-up fee for each new subscription EUR 9.90.

When booking the 3-pack, the set-up fee only applies once.

The expected drawdown was calculated using bootstrapping methods. 200 differently composed equity curves of these systems were simulated and an average or ‘expected drawdown’ value was calculated. We explicitly point out that this is only a statistical figure and that this expected drawdown value in no way represents the future maximum loss in value. If necessary, this can be significantly exceeded in the worst case.


What makes our BILLIONS Screener outstanding

Your access to profitable trading systems

Proven strategies

Our strategies are all based on backtested trading models

Regulated markets

With our share signals you only trade on regulated markets

Focus on Blue Chips

All our trading ideas come from the S&P 500 equity universe.

Market on Open Entry

Simple order types make it easy to implement the strategies

Less effort

With our signals, you can do your trading in just a few minutes a day in future

Flexible subscriptions

You can cancel your subscription at the click of a mouse with no notice period

What performance is possible with the screeners?

As position management (position sizing) can be selected flexibly with this service, it is not possible to provide an exact performance figure. However, indicative values can be shown instead. Below you will find the potential returns of the three trading systems, based on simple position management with ‘% of equity’. These results are indicative and are also influenced by your trading capital.

Risk warning: The performance figures shown are a hypothesis, a so-called backtest. Unfortunately, future performance cannot be extrapolated or derived with certainty from the historical performance shown. This means that historical performance is no guarantee of continued good performance in the future. Please also see our disclaimer







General information on the Billions screeners

We publish here daily (if available) the entry signals of our Billions Screener. The screener offers signals from various trading systems with different system types. Reversion systems, hybrid and momentum strategies are currently used.

All strategies trade “long only” on the daily chart.

Each system type has its own special features and particular strengths.

The exact number of signals depends on the market phase. Expect an average of 2-4 trades per day per strategy.

We provide you with information on the exact time to buy and sell a share.

All signals are stored daily in the customer area (login) in tabular form.

In principle, we endeavor to make the signals available as early as possible each day. However, as this process is also influenced by external service providers (data providers), we cannot guarantee delivery times. On most days, however, the signals should be available by 10 a.m. at the latest.

Pay attention to deviating stock exchange holidays in the USA. The public holidays do not always coincide with our public holidays.

When creating the strategies, we made sure that they outperformed the overall market at the top (performance) and bottom (drawdown). Of course, we cannot give any guarantees.

All available signals produced by a strategy are displayed for each strategy on each day.

The trader can choose the number of traded signals (see item Position Sizing).

The strategy logic allows for zero signals on some days. If this is the case on a particular day, we will of course point this out.

If possible, all entries are to be executed with the order type “market” and the addition “opening”.

Buying is therefore done “at the open” right at the opening of the stock exchange, usually at 15:30 CET.

If this “market on open” order type is not available from your broker, the order must be placed at or shortly after 15:30 “market”. Limit orders should not be used.

The signals will be made available online in the customer login area during the morning, subject to availability, and must be implemented by 3 p.m. at the latest.

Note: please note the shift in trading times Europe vs. USA as part of the changeover to summer time (twice a year)

In addition to Entry Signals, it should be noted that the signals are prioritized from top to bottom.

This means that the signal listed at the top has the highest priority, followed by the next signal and so on.

You work through the signal list from top to bottom and select as many trades as your position sizing allows. If there are more signals than you can implement, they expire.

The order type “market on open” (see Entry) is also used for the exit.

In our view, there is no need to add further exit logic such as price targets or stops.

Should the trader nevertheless wish to use these techniques, he is required to find his own suitable solutions.

Depending on the strategy, the holding period of a position varies between 2 and 8 trading days.

Both new entries and exits are all executed at the opening of the market (market on open).

For this reason, the use of a margin account is recommended. After the open and the successful symbol rotation, no action is required during the trading day.

We do not specify a position size. Traders are encouraged to choose these carefully and in a risk-averse manner.

A good guideline is to make a maximum of 5-12 trades per strategy or to spread your capital over this number of trades.

The rule of thumb is: the fewer trades you make in parallel, the higher the chances of profit but the higher the risk (volatility). For example, if you only trade a single strategy, just 5 trades in parallel seems far too aggressive to us.

The trader must use his own judgment here. Please proceed with caution and do not take too much risk.

To make the position size calculation easier for you, the signals are always based on a fictitious position size of EUR 1,000.

This allows you to easily convert it to your own account balance using a multiplier.

Translated with (free version)

The stocks in question are selected by us and all come from the S&P 500 investment universe, so we trade neither small caps nor penny stocks.

We strongly recommend trading the strategies unleveraged, i.e. without leverage.

For reasons of good diversification and active risk management, we recommend trading at least 2 strategies (preferably 3). The principle here is: more is better!

We recommend stock brokers such as

  • Interactive Brokers
  • WH SelfInvest (Mulit Market Account)

If you do not yet have an account with one of these brokers and would like to open one, please refer to the information and new account opening offers on our homepage for the broker of your choice.

We recommend a trading capital of at least EUR 10k per strategy. More available capital is of course much better. But it should not be less.

You should plan to spend an average of 10 minutes per day on each strategy. You will probably be significantly faster with a little practice.

All signals must be placed with the broker by 3 p.m. at the latest. (see entry signals above).

The signals are suitable for all traders who want to successfully implement active trading systems on the US stock exchanges with little effort.

If they understand all the instructions above, they do not need any further prior knowledge.

You can subscribe to any strategy on a monthly basis. The subscription is automatically renewed without notice. The minimum term per subscription and strategy is 3 months. In addition, there is a set-up fee of EUR 9.90 per subscribed strategy. Subscriptions are payable in advance – no refunds. No free trial period. Please note our terms and conditions.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to suspend subscriptions temporarily.

At the end of each month we provide a report with all executed trades including the meta data

Reversion vs. breakout/momentum? Which is which?

While reversal systems
(swing trading) position themselves against the currently prevailing trend (countertrend trading), momentum strategies trade stocks that have performed well in recent days. Hybrid systems trade the best of both system types and are therefore particularly flexible.

This results in a completely different risk/reward ratio for breakout strategies, which good traders use profitably.

The ideal system portfolio therefore consists of reversion systems as well as momentum strategies, hybrid approaches or rotation systems (currently not available in the screener offer).

Translated with (free version)

Subscription can be canceled monthly. Automatic renewal without notice period. Minimum term 3 months in each case. One-off set-up fee for each new subscription EUR 9.90.

When booking the 3-pack, the set-up fee only applies once.

The expected drawdown was calculated using bootstrapping methods. 200 differently composed equity curves of these systems were simulated and an average or ‘expected drawdown’ value was calculated. We explicitly point out that this is only a statistical figure and that this expected drawdown value in no way represents the future maximum loss in value. If necessary, this can be significantly exceeded in the worst case.