Indicators in Trading Seminar


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Thomas Vittner

June 19th - 7 pm (UTC+1 - Brussels, Amsterdam etc.)
What you will learn in the seminar

We explain the causal task of indicators and show their practical application.

Before we use indicators, we need to understand what categories there are and how to integrate them sensibly into a trading system

Indicators sometimes consist of one parameter, but often of several. These parameters must be sensibly coordinated in order to achieve the best profit opportunities. We show the interaction of these different parameters.

Indicators don’t just have to be set correctly. The trader must also use the indicator correctly. We explain the consequences of applications such as “Indicator is below a value”, “Indicator crosses a value” or “Indicator rises/falls n days” or “Indicator reaches a new n days high/low” in practice.

We analyze more than 400 indicators on several well-known indices and find out which indicator performs best in which environment.

The popular default settings of indicators are rarely the best choice. We show you how to find the best indicator settings using simple optimizations.

At this point we take a trip into professional trading. We modify “off-the-shelf” indicators and model them to our liking. For example, we form a moving average of an oscillator, apply one indicator to another or scale indicators to other time units.


This seminar is aimed at trading beginners with little prior knowledge. If you have internalized the absolute basics of trading, you are 100% suitable for this seminar.